When Nie Li fights with Murong Yu, com­pared with the cor­ner of mu­si terjemahan - When Nie Li fights with Murong Yu, com­pared with the cor­ner of mu­si Bahasa Indonesia Bagaimana mengatakan

When Nie Li fights with Murong Yu,

When Nie Li fights with Murong Yu, com­pared with the cor­ner of mu­si­cians who play per­cus­sion in­stru­ments, two peo­ple calmly is sit­ting, judges tea while watches the mar­tial arts con­test.
These two per­son one are Long Tian­ming, an­other wears the sil­ver moon/month long gown, that grace­ful bear­ing, wins sev­eral points com­pared with Long Tian­ming.
„Has not thought that Brother Beiyan is also in­ter­ested in these new peo­ple.” Long Tian­ming looks to nearby youth, said with a smile lightly, he in a tone with wise, the re­la­tions with op­po­site party, seemed not that har­mo­nious.
„I want to come to see, such cares in­clud­ing your Long Tian­ming, is ac­tu­ally a how ex­tra­or­di­nary tal­ent.” Situ Beiyan sits steadily, the ease calm ap­pear­ance, „the pre­sent looks like, that youth is in­ter­est­ing.”
„He is re­ly­ing on Ar­ti­fact, can de­feat Murong Yu.” Long Tian­ming smiles, „can also make Brother Beiyan so ap­pre­ci­ate?”
„From Tiny World, with­out any back­ground, can ac­tu­ally be­fore pro­mote en­tered East Court, has one set of Rank 6 Ar­ti­fact Armor cov­er­all, and be­came the Hi­er­arch Sky­cloud dis­ci­ple, wasn't this abil­ity?” Situ Beiyan smiles say­ing that „heard he and Gu Bei have formed the in­flu­ence to­gether, for sev­eral months sev­eral thou­sand peo­ple, in Greater World, will then be it seems like live­lier!”
Long Tian­ming looks at Situ Beiyan, he does not know that Situ Beiyan is any mean­ing, prop­erly speak­ing some peo­ple rise, Situ Beiyan should be also vig­i­lant is, now is ac­tu­ally one sits looks at the good play the ap­pear­ance, does not know that Situ Beiyan has any­thing to plan.
How how­ever no mat­ter Situ Beiyan thinks that Long Tian­ming will not make Demon Al­liance rise, Long Yuyin had just formed Pro­found Sound Al­liance, it is es­ti­mated that is Nie Li in­sti­gates, al­though does not un­der­stand that Nie Li is any in­ten­tion. How­ever can feel that Nie Li at­tempts is not small, has threat­ened him! At least Long Tian­ming will not make Long Yuyin threaten the po­si­tion of his Dragon Seal Fam­ily Pa­tri­arch!
Be­fore al­though Nie Li has de­liv­ered him three char­ac­ters, but that three char­ac­ters he has not seen comes mys­te­ri­ously, thought by Nie Li at heart de­ceiv­ing. Is not ac­tu­ally able to re­search. There­fore Long Tian­ming to the Nie Li not any­thing fa­vor­able im­pres­sion.
Now can have the qual­i­fi­ca­tions to com­pete of Di­vine Feather Sect Sect Mas­ter per­son, at pre­sent only then three, Situ Beiyan, Long Tian­ming and Li Yufeng, but braves sev­eral both­er­ing now, is very note­wor­thy. Es­pe­cially Gu Bei just ob­tained the Gu Clan first in order suc­ces­sor po­si­tion, Long Yuyin has also braved. Li Hangyun not too will­ingly ap­pear­ance, but these three peo­ple, are con­cerned with Nie Li!
Since Situ Beiyan comes to ob­serve Nie Li, that showed that Situ Beiyan like just did not dis­play that in­dif­fer­ently, at least paid at­ten­tion to ris­ing Nie Li!
Prob­a­bly after more than half dou­ble-hour. Fight be­tween Nie Li and Murong Yu had even­tu­ally ended, the flame and elec­tric light have sub­sided.
Com­pared with the mu­si­cians who play per­cus­sion in­stru­ments, Nie Li has changed clothes, is neat, but Murong Yu, then lies in not far away, looks like a dead dog is the same, body inch wisp. Is scarred, ob­vi­ously had fainted.
Sees this, per­son gaze all delay that sur­round­ings these sur­round.
„I go. What's the mat­ter?”
„Did Murong Yu lose?”
„ Murong Yu fused Saint Blood Drag­onhawk, was hit why also such mis­er­ably?”
They look to Nie Li gaze, is hav­ing an awe, Murong Yu, but en­tire East Court places first 200 Ex­pert, was the pre­vi­ous first tal­ent, hit by Nie Li fi­nally un­ex­pect­edly such mis­er­ably? That said. Nie Li just stepped into East Court, has placed first 200?
Sees lies there Murong Yu stark naked. The young girls cheeks of East Court blushed, hurry to take back gaze.
The Xiao Yu cheeks sli
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Hasil (Bahasa Indonesia) 1: [Salinan]
Ketika Nie Li berkelahi dengan Murong Yu, dibandingkan dengan sudut musisi yang memainkan instrumen perkusi, dua orang dengan tenang duduk, hakim teh sementara watches seni bela diri kontes.Ini dua orang satu panjang Tianming, lain memakai gaun panjang bulan/bulan perak, bahwa anggun bantalan, menang beberapa poin dibandingkan dengan panjang Tianming."Telah tidak berpikir bahwa saudara Beiyan juga tertarik pada orang-orang baru ini." Panjang Tianming terlihat terdekat pemuda, berkata dengan senyum ringan, dia di nada dengan bijaksana, hubungan dengan partai yang berlawanan, tampak tidak yang harmonis."Saya ingin datang untuk melihat, seperti peduli termasuk Tianming lama Anda, ini sebenarnya bakat bagaimana luar biasa." Situ Beiyan duduk mantap, kemudahan tenang penampilan, "sekarang terlihat seperti, pemuda itu menarik.""Dia adalah bergantung pada artefak, dapat mengalahkan Murong Yu." Panjang Tianming tersenyum, "juga dapat membuat Beiyan saudara sangat menghargai?""Dari dunia kecil, tanpa latar belakang, dapat benar-benar sebelum mempromosikan memasuki pengadilan Timur, memiliki satu set peringkat 6 artefak Armor coverall, dan menjadi Hierarch Skycloud murid, bukan kemampuan ini?" Situ Beiyan tersenyum mengatakan bahwa "mendengar dia dan Gu Bei telah membentuk pengaruh bersama-sama, untuk beberapa bulan beberapa ribu orang, dalam dunia yang lebih besar, maka akan sepertinya lebih hidup!"Panjang Tianming terlihat di Situ Beiyan, ia tidak tahu bahwa Situ Beiyan bermakna, beberapa orang benar berbicara naik, Situ Beiyan harus juga waspada, sekarang adalah benar-benar salah satu duduk terlihat bermain baik penampilan, tidak tahu bahwa Situ Beiyan memiliki apa-apa untuk merencanakan.Bagaimana namun tidak peduli Situ Beiyan berpikir bahwa Tianming lama tidak akan membuat aliansi setan naik, Yuyin panjang hanya telah membentuk aliansi suara mendalam, diperkirakan bahwa Nie Li instigates, meskipun tidak memahami bahwa Nie Li adalah niat. Namun dapat merasa Nie Li upaya tidak kecil, telah mengancam dia! Setidaknya panjang Tianming tidak akan membuat panjang Yuyin mengancam posisi nya patriark keluarga Seal naga!Sebelum meskipun Nie Li telah disampaikan kepadanya tiga karakter, tetapi bahwa tiga karakter dia tidak melihat datang secara misterius, pemikiran oleh Nie Li di jantung menipu. Ini tidak benar-benar mampu penelitian. Oleh karena itu panjang Tianming Li Nie kesan tidak apa-apa menguntungkan.Sekarang dapat memiliki kualifikasi yang bersaing orang ilahi bulu sekte sekte Master, tiga hanya kemudian hadir, Situ Beiyan, Tianming lama dan Li Yufeng, tetapi pemberani beberapa mengganggu sekarang, sangat penting. Terutama Gu Bei hanya diperoleh klan Gu pertama dalam urutan penerus posisi, panjang Yuyin juga memiliki menerjang. Li Hangyun tidak terlalu rela penampilan, tetapi orang-orang ini tiga, prihatin dengan Nie Li!Since Situ Beiyan comes to ob­serve Nie Li, that showed that Situ Beiyan like just did not dis­play that in­dif­fer­ently, at least paid at­ten­tion to ris­ing Nie Li!Prob­a­bly after more than half dou­ble-hour. Fight be­tween Nie Li and Murong Yu had even­tu­ally ended, the flame and elec­tric light have sub­sided.Com­pared with the mu­si­cians who play per­cus­sion in­stru­ments, Nie Li has changed clothes, is neat, but Murong Yu, then lies in not far away, looks like a dead dog is the same, body inch wisp. Is scarred, ob­vi­ously had fainted.Sees this, per­son gaze all delay that sur­round­ings these sur­round.„I go. What's the mat­ter?”„Did Murong Yu lose?”„ Murong Yu fused Saint Blood Drag­onhawk, was hit why also such mis­er­ably?”They look to Nie Li gaze, is hav­ing an awe, Murong Yu, but en­tire East Court places first 200 Ex­pert, was the pre­vi­ous first tal­ent, hit by Nie Li fi­nally un­ex­pect­edly such mis­er­ably? That said. Nie Li just stepped into East Court, has placed first 200?Sees lies there Murong Yu stark naked. The young girls cheeks of East Court blushed, hurry to take back gaze.The Xiao Yu cheeks sli
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